If you are searching for How C language came into being then, you are a t the right place. Here this blog tells you the complete history of C language. The C language was developed in late 60's and early 70's, in Bell laboratories. In those days BCPL and B languages were developed there. The BCPL language was developed in 1967 by "Martin Richards" as a language for writing operating systems software and compilers. In 1970 "Ken Thompson used B language to create early version of the UNIX operating system at Bell Laboratories. Thus both the languages were being used to develop various system software even compilers. Both BCPL and B were 'type less' languages, every data item occupied one word in memory and the burden of treating a data item as a whole number or real number, for example was the responsibility of the programmer. Dennis Ritchie developed a general purpose language, called C language, by using different features of BCPL and B languages...
CS Knowledge is a blog for learning computer science and computer programming. This Blog helps you to understand the concepts of Computer Science. Written by professors of Universities